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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

ted bear
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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par CLOSDELIF Lun 13 Mar - 16:28

Et voici la mienne !
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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Rossi_14
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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Rossi_11
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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Rossi_17
Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Rossi_18
Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Rossi_19

Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da Gloriam.

Messages : 9139
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2017
Age : 72
Localisation : Tarn

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par WICHITA Lun 13 Mar - 16:33

sobre et de bon goût et ce dans un excellent calibre

au tir, le 38 spécial passe tout aussi bien ?

Messages : 2435
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par CLOSDELIF Lun 13 Mar - 16:45

Oui, elle est vraiment parfaite, c'en est même surprenant !

Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da Gloriam.

Messages : 9139
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2017
Age : 72
Localisation : Tarn

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeppesen Lun 13 Mar - 16:53

Excellente carabine...tu es (presque) prêt pour te porter "volontaire" pour le CAS ! lol!

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 3067369142

Messages : 3513
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017
Age : 75
Localisation : Haut de Seine (92)


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par ted bear Ven 26 Jan - 23:34

CLOSDELIF a écrit:Oui, elle est vraiment parfaite, c'en est même surprenant !
Je viens d'encherir sur NB la rossi avec canon hexagonale tu tire du 38 WC avec la tienne ou de la RN ? Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 2695649247
ted bear
ted bear

Messages : 14
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2018

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par CLOSDELIF Sam 27 Jan - 8:13

Je ne l'ai plus....mais jamais essayé les WC avec....

Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da Gloriam.

Messages : 9139
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2017
Age : 72
Localisation : Tarn

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeppesen Sam 27 Jan - 10:50

Des WC dans une LSG (Ah, les acronymes, je déteste ! clown )...ça ne me parait pas une bonne idée.... Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 562587705

Messages : 3513
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017
Age : 75
Localisation : Haut de Seine (92)


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par romeo33 Sam 27 Jan - 11:53

Les WC, c'est bon a 25m parce que cela découpe bien le carton au delà la précision est moins bonne que des ogives classiques.
C'est pareil pour les carabine AC. Les plombs à tête plates pour le 10m mais à partir de 20m, il faut passer sur des têtes rondes sous peine d'avoir un arrosoir.

Messages : 757
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2017
Localisation : Du coté de Bordeaux

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeanghis Sam 27 Jan - 12:11

et puis les WC c'est chiant !

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Messages : 8581
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2017
Age : 71
Localisation : Bresse-Jura-Savoie


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par ted bear Sam 27 Jan - 12:38

merci c'est pour savoir si je doit recharger avec des RN ou autres donnez moi des solutions car avec mon SW je ne tire que du WC
ted bear
ted bear

Messages : 14
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2018

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeanghis Sam 27 Jan - 12:40

suffit d'essayer

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Messages : 8581
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2017
Age : 71
Localisation : Bresse-Jura-Savoie


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par romeo33 Sam 27 Jan - 14:16

Déjà pour une LSG tu ne prends pas des RN mais des TC pour le risque de percution dans le magasin. De plus, il me semble que les munitions 44mag manufacturées  compatibles LSG sont toutes des TC, ce n'est certainement pas un hasard.
Maintenant si c'est pour recharger des 38sp pour du CAS, vu les distances et la taille des cibles, cela doit le faire car c'est plus un problème de tireur que de munition.
Par contre si tu veux faire de la cible a 50/100m, je te le déconseille vivement ou alors fait cela un jour ou il n'y a personne au stand et cache vite le carton. lol!

Messages : 757
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2017
Localisation : Du coté de Bordeaux

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par freebird Sam 27 Jan - 15:27

"donnez moi des solutions " y' pas le mot magique... Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 3278731732

"Déjà pour une LSG tu ne prends pas des RN mais des TC" je ne sais pas ce que sont les TC, mais dans une LSG, on utilise en général des balles à nez plat (Flat Nose = FN) ou des semi-blindées (Soft Point = SP)

Des balles à nez rond (Round Nose = RN) ne poseront pas de problèmes de percussion dans le magasin, surtout avec des balles en alliage étain pas franchement dures...

Dans les type 66-73 à élévateur vertical, les SWC (semi wad cutter) sont à fuir comme la peste (demandez moi comment je le sais... Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 267150864 ) et les WC (Water Closet) ne pourront de toute évidence pas fonctionner (pour cause de longueur de la munition...)

Messages : 3590
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017
Age : 55
Localisation : Lot, 46

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par romeo33 Sam 27 Jan - 16:18

freebird a écrit:"donnez moi des solutions " y' pas le mot magique... Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 3278731732

"Déjà pour une LSG tu ne prends pas des RN mais des TC" je ne sais pas ce que sont les TC, mais dans une LSG, on utilise en général des balles à nez plat (Flat Nose = FN) ou des semi-blindées (Soft Point = SP)

Des balles à nez rond (Round Nose = RN) ne poseront pas de problèmes de percussion dans le magasin, surtout avec des balles en alliage étain pas franchement dures...

Dans les type 66-73 à élévateur vertical, les SWC (semi wad cutter) sont à fuir comme la peste (demandez moi comment je le sais... Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 267150864 ) et les WC (Water Closet) ne pourront de toute évidence pas fonctionner (pour cause de longueur de la munition...)

Tu as raison et tu fais bien de rectifier.
Je voulais en fait dire FN mais TC est l’appellation des FN chez H&N et comme en ce moment je suis en plein dedans pour divers calibres...

Messages : 757
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2017
Localisation : Du coté de Bordeaux

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeanghis Sam 27 Jan - 16:32

romeo33 a écrit:
freebird a écrit:"donnez moi des solutions " y' pas le mot magique... Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 3278731732

"Déjà pour une LSG tu ne prends pas des RN mais des TC" je ne sais pas ce que sont les TC, mais dans une LSG, on utilise en général des balles à nez plat (Flat Nose = FN) ou des semi-blindées (Soft Point = SP)

Des balles à nez rond (Round Nose = RN) ne poseront pas de problèmes de percussion dans le magasin, surtout avec des balles en alliage étain pas franchement dures...

Dans les type 66-73 à élévateur vertical, les SWC (semi wad cutter) sont à fuir comme la peste (demandez moi comment je le sais... Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 267150864 ) et les WC (Water Closet) ne pourront de toute évidence pas fonctionner (pour cause de longueur de la munition...)

Tu as raison et tu fais bien de rectifier.
Je voulais en fait dire FN mais TC est l’appellation des FN chez H&N et comme en ce moment je suis en plein dedans pour divers calibres...

Notre GM a raison: virer les WC et TC au profit des RN SP ou autres FN, H&N ou pas, dans les LSG voire CAP ETC....
CQFD !!!! Suspect

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Logo_p10        Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Logo_u16        Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 5798451894tirtransparent33

Messages : 8581
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2017
Age : 71
Localisation : Bresse-Jura-Savoie


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par freebird Sam 27 Jan - 18:16

Jeanghis Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 999404758 Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 999404758 Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 705399849 Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 705399849 Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 999404758 Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 999404758   Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 1934594243

Romeo, les H&N (Haendler & Natermann) que tu nous montres sont effectivement des TC (tronconiques) qui par ailleurs sont FN (Flat Nose)
CPPC! (c'est pourtant pas compliqué) Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 705399849 Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 705399849 Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 705399849

Messages : 3590
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017
Age : 55
Localisation : Lot, 46

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par romeo33 Sam 27 Jan - 20:45

C'est cela et on pourrait même rajouter: normal TSAQTP Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 1756052419
Tu Sais A Qui Tu Parle

Messages : 757
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2017
Localisation : Du coté de Bordeaux

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeanghis Sam 27 Jan - 20:57

romeo33 a écrit:C'est cela et on pourrait même rajouter: normal TSAQTP Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 1756052419
Tu Sais A Qui Tu Parle

La devise de notre forum : QQTVQJTD !!!!!???

Qu'est-ce que tu veux que je te dise !!!!??? (cucutévécujitédé)

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Logo_p10        Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Logo_u16        Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 5798451894tirtransparent33

Messages : 8581
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2017
Age : 71
Localisation : Bresse-Jura-Savoie


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par ted bear Sam 27 Jan - 23:11

merci beaucoup pour toutes ces informations debutant à la carabine j'avais besoin de quelque info dans notre club il n'y as que du 25 metres donc très peu de carabine obligé de tirer dans un autre club pour le 50,100,200 et la majorité des tireur sont au 308 ou 223 dur dur
ted bear
ted bear

Messages : 14
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2018

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeppesen Dim 28 Jan - 0:46

Pour ma part, je dirai que l'idéal est d'utiliser des projectiles RNFP... Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 3067369142

C'est d'ailleurs ce que j'utilise dans mes LSG en 44-40  Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 1681344299 

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 1756052419

Messages : 3513
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017
Age : 75
Localisation : Haut de Seine (92)


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeanghis Dim 28 Jan - 2:18

Petit rappel sur les sigles et acronymes anglophones relatifs aux ogives ici :

et comme vous êtes sympas je le reproduis ici :
Jeanghis a écrit:

+P+- "Plus P Plus" (20-25% over-pressure). As above but even more powerful. Only recommended for weapons with a strong frame and usually only sold to law enforcement agencies.
ACC- Accelerator - sub-calibre bullet fitted into conventional cartridge with a plastic sabot.
ACP- Automatic Colt Pistol. Used as a designation for cartridges designed specifically for self-loading pistol cartridges (i.e. 0.380 ACP, 0.45 ACP). Can also be in lower case (i.e. 0.380 acp or 0.45 acp).
AJHP- Aluminum Jacketed Hollow Point.
AP- Armor Piercing.   Military bullets with steel or tungsten core that penetrates steel armor. Bullet's tip is usually painted black for easier identification.
AP- Armour-piercing bullet usually with a tungsten core. API: Armour-piercing incendiary. As above but with the addition of an incendiary pellet in the nose.
API- Armor Piercing Incendiary.   Designed to penetrate armor and set target on fire. Tips are usually painted light blue.
BB- Bevel Base.
BBWC- Bevel Base Wad Cutter.   Pistol bullet that's flat on both ends; has beveled base to increase accuracy similar to a boat-tail bullet.
BBWC- Bevel base wad cutter.
BC- Bonded Core.
BCHP- Bonded Core Hollow Point.
BCSP- Bonded Core Soft Point.
BEB- Brass Enclosed Base.   Pistol bullet with brass plug over exposed lead base to reduce lead exposure. Many indoor ranges now specify use of this bullet to decrease lead contamination.
BJHP- Brass Jacketed Hollow Point.   Defensive pistol bullet that controls mushrooming and energy release over longer distances.
BRPT- Bronze Point.   Bronze insert in tip improves trajectory, velocity and energy transfer at extreme ranges. Tip expands rapidly when driven back through bullet. Excellent design for hunting long-range medium-size game.
BRPT- Bronze point. Bronze insert in tip improves trajectory, velocity and energy transfer at extreme ranges. Tip expands rapidly when driven back through bullet.
BST- Ballistic Silvertip.   Used with hunting rifles, this Winchester bullet has a soft metal tip that causes rapid expansion and penetration of bullet. Typically used for varminting and hunting light- and medium- size game.
BT- Boat Tail.   Rifle bullet with truncated conical shape at base of bullet. Streamlining stabilizes bullet and increases accuracy.
BT- Boat tail.
BTHP- Boat Tail Hollow Point.   Same as plain boat-tail but with a hollow point, which generates rapid expansion and penetration.
BTSP- Boat Tail Soft Point.   Like the plain boat-tail but with a soft point to increase penetration and expansion from exposed lead tip.
CC- Copper Coated.   Same as full-metal-jacket. Copper coating prevents bullet deformation in feed mechanism and barrel, reduces misfires and lowers risk of barrel damage.
CL- Core-Lokt.   Remington's premier bonded bullet. Retains up to 95% of original weight with maximum penetration and energy transfer. Progressively tapered jacket initiates and controls expansion nearly 2x. Unique design and bonded lead core delivers performance from 50 to 500 yards.
CL- Core-Lokt. A Remington bullet with the core bonded to the jacket. Also has a progressively tapered jacket which initiates and controls expansion.
CP- Copper Plated.   Lead bullet dipped in copper; reduces lead fouling and is cheaper than copper coating.
CP- Copper-plated. Lead bullet dipped in copper; reduces lead fouling and is cheaper than copper coating.
DEWC- Double Ended Wad Cutter.
EFMJ- Expanding Full Metal Jacket.   Federal's answer to areas with restrictions on hollow points. A regular full-metal-jacket bullet with front rubber core covered by a copper jacket. When fired into target media, copper jacket collapses along serrations, produces petal-like expansion and delivers energy without over- penetration.
EFMJ- Expanding full-metal jacket. Federal's answer to areas with restrictions on hollow points. A regular full -metal-jacket bullet but with a rubber tip to the lead core. The tip of the jacket is grooved which collapses on striking the target producing petal-like expansion and delivers energy without over-penetration.
ENCAP- Encapsulated. A bullet completely encapsulated with a metal jacket, usually by electroplating. Intended to reduce environmental lead contamination in training ranges.
ENCAP or E- Encapsulated.   Totally plated on all sides to decrease environmental lead contamination. Many indoor ranges use this ammunition exclusively to reduce lead clean-up costs.
EP- Expanding Point.   Winchester-developed bullet for .25ACP for better stopping power for small calibers. Hollow point with round lead ball inserted into cavity ensures positive feed, increases expansion and transfers energy rapidly.
EP- Expanding point. Winchester developed bullet to assist expansion in small-calibre hollow-point bullets (i.e. 0.25 ACP). The hollow point has a round lead ball inserted into the hollow-point cavity to assist in feeding and expansion on striking target.
ERBT- Extended Range Boat Tail.   Remington bullet that produces long-range accuracy along with superior stopping power required for hunting.
ERBT- Extended-range boat tail. Long-range bullet by Remington. Exp: Express cartridge. Used on high-powered sporting rifle cartridges to designate a higher velocity and kinetic energy than the standard calibre. Initially used with the additional prefix "nitro" to distinguish between black powder and nitrocellulose-based propellants.
FB- Flat Base.
FMC- Full Metal Case.   Lead core fully enclosed with copper, nickel, brass or steel.
FMHSWC- Full Metal Jacket Semi-Wad Cutter.   Designed primarily for target and competition shooting, this bullet exhibits superior accuracy. Its swagged lead core is enclosed by a metal jacket, eliminating barrel leading.
FMJ- Full Metal Jacket.   Military round specified by Geneva Convention. Lead core is enclosed by a strong metal jacket on this non-expanding, deep-penetrating, general-purpose bullet. Provides smooth, reliable feeding in all types of semi-auto handguns. Not recommended for hunting, the primary use of the FMJ is target shooting.
FMJ- Full-metal jacket. Jacketed bullet with lead core exposed at base.
FMJBT- Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail.   Like FMJ but has a boat-tail to reduce turbulence and increase accuracy. 
FMJE- Full Metal Jacket Encapsulated.   Like FMJ but also has covered base and doesn't expose any lead.
FMJE- Full-metal-jacket encapsulated. Like FMJ but also has the base covered and does not expose any of the lead core.
FMJFP- Full Metal Jacket Flat Point.   Non-expanding and deep penetrating, this general purpose bullet is a good choice for target use because of its accuracy. Its lead core is enclosed by a metal jacket, which eliminates barrel leading. Provides smooth, reliable feeding in semi-sutomatic handguns.
FMJSWC- Full Metal Jacket Semi-Wad Cutter.FMJTC: Full Metal Jacket Truncated Cone.   The truncated cone shape of this bullet makes feeding smooth and reliable in semi-autos. Cannot lead barrels because its lead core is enclosed by a metal jacket. Excellent accuracy.
FN- Flat Nose.
FNSP- Flat Nose Soft Point.   Similar to the Soft Point in construction and performance, but with a flat lead point that allows this bullet to be safely used in tubular magazines. Designed primarily for use in the 30-30 carbine, it delivers reliable expansion at typical 30-30 velocities.
FNSP- Flat-nose soft point. Similar to the FPJ but has lead-exposed point that expands on impact.
FP- Flat Point.
FP- Flat-pointed bullet.
FPJ- Flat Point Jacketed.   FMJ with a flat point. Most .40 S&W and .30-30 Winchester rounds have this design. The .30-30 Winchester has a tubular magazine and uses a flat-point bullet to prevent accidental detonation during recoil, as front round's primer may come in contact with point of round following it.
FPJ- Flat-point jacketed. Full-metal-jacketed bullet with a flat point. Most 0.40 S&W and 0.30-30 Winchester rounds have this design. The 0.30-30 Winchester has a tubular magazine and uses a flat-point bullet to prevent accidental detonation of one round by the tip of another during recoil.
FPNN- Flat Point Penetrator.
FRAN- Frangible. Prevents ricochet by breaking apart on contact. Usually made from lead, iron or tungsten dust bonded with hard wax or an epoxy resin. Originally used in fairground mini-range ammunition to prevent ricochet or penetration of the target. Has recently been developed for air marshals to avoid over-penetration and ricochet aboard airplanes. Metal dust other than lead is used in non-toxic ammunition for use in indoor ranges (see chapter on non-toxic ammunition).
FRAN or FG- Frangible.   Prevents ricochet by breaking apart on contact. Can be made from empty cartridge cases filled with epoxy and compressed birdshot, metal dust or filings. Developed for air marshals to avoid over-penetration and ricochet aboard airplanes. All energy is transferred to the target, making it a devastating defensive bullet.
GC or GCK- Gas Check.   Metallic cup or disc is attached to bottom of lead-alloy bullet. Decreases gas blow-by, increases velocity and reduces lead fouling.
GCK- Gas check. Metallic cup or disc is attached to bottom of lead-alloy bullet. Decreases gas blow-by, increases velocity and reduces lead fouling. GDHP: Gold dot hollow point. Speer's hollow-point bullet with jacket bonded to lead core to prevent separation and to control expansion and penetration.
GDJHP- Gold Dot Jacketed Hollow Point.   Speer's hollow point bullet with jacket bonded to lead core to prevent separation and control expansion and penetration.
GS- Grand Slam.   Speer's design for hunting big game. Jacket is 45% bigger at base to prevent rollback and retain bullet's weight. Internal jacket flutes ensure proper expansion. Bullet's core is a ternary (three-part) alloy, which is poured into jacket at 900 degrees F to prevent jacket slippage.
GS- Golden Saber. Remington-designed controlled expansion bullet. GS: Grand Slam. Speer - s design for hunting big game. Jacket is 45% bigger at base to prevent rollback and to retain the bullet's weight. Internal jacket flutes ensure proper expansion. Bullet' s core is a ternary (three-part) alloy, which is poured into jacket at 900 °F to prevent jacket slippage.
H&H- Holland and Holland cartridge designed for the company for their high-powered sporting rifles.
HB- Hollow Base.
HBWC- Hollow Base Wad Cutter.   Preferred by some target shooters, this flat lead bullet with hollow base punches neat, round holes in paper targets and makes scoring easier. Creates better gas seal to prevent gas blow-by and increase velocity.
HC- Hard Cast.
HE- High Energy.   Made by Federal.
HM- Heavy Magnum.   Made by Hornady.
HP- Hollow Point.   Hollow cavity in bullet's nose allows expansion on impact.
HPBT- Hollow Point Boat Tail.   Extremely accurate hollow point bullet with pointed, aerodynamic design. Boat tail heel further reduces drag to improve downrange velocity. Precision balance and exceptional concentricity greatly increase bullet stability to assure superb accuracy.
HPE- Hollow Point Expanding.
HPL- Hollow Point Lead.
HSHK- Hydra-Shok®️.   Federal's handgun defense bullet. Unique center-post design delivers controlled expansion. Notched jacket transfers energy efficiently and penetrates barriers while retaining stopping power.
HSHK- Hydra-Shok. Federal's handgun defence bullet. Unique centre-post design delivers controlled expansion. Notched jacket transfers energy efficiently and penetrates barriers while retaining stopping power.
HSP- Hollow Soft Point.   Exposed lead point and hollow cavity in nose permits expansion on impact.
HV- High Velocity.   Ammunition with velocity over 1,200 feet per second.
JFP- Jacketed Flat Point.   Flat lead point and full metal jacket. All .30-30 Winchesters have this bullet design. The .30-30 Winchester has a tubular magazine and uses a flat-point bullet to prevent accidental detonation during recoil, as front round's primer may come in contact with point of round following it.
JHC- Jacketed Hollow Cavity.   Jacketed bullet with hole in tip to promote expansion on impact.
JHC- Jacketed hollow cavity. Jacketed bullet with hole in tip to promote expansion on impact. More often designated JHP (i.e. jacketed hollow point). KTW: A metal -penetrating round. Originally made of sintered tungsten and later hardened brass coated with green-coloured polytetraphcoroethylene (PTFE). Only sold to law enforcement agencies. LHP: Lead hollow point. LRN: Lead round nose. LSWC: Lead semi-wadcutter. LSWC-GC: Lead semi-wadcutter gas checked.
JHP- Jacketed Hollow Point.   The exposed lead at the tip of the PMC jacketed hollow point rapidly initiates uniform, controlled expansion that progresses to the depth of the hollow point cavity. Penetration is also controlled for maximum energy transfer to the target, assuring its suitability as a hunting bullet. Excellent accuracy and bullet integrity.
JPP- Jacketed Protected Point. 
JSP- Jacketed Soft Point.   Exposed lead soft point initiates reliable expansion, provides deeper penetration than hollow point bullets. Precisely engineered copper jacket and swaged lead core provides the necessary concentricity and balance required for top-level accuracy.
L- Lead.   An all lead bullet.
LF- Lead Free (non-toxic).
LM- Light Magnum.   Made by Hornady.
LRN- Lead Round Nose.   Solid lead, lubricated bullet with rounded ogive for down-range accuracy. Hard-hitting, economical, general purpose bullet for all revolvers.
LSW/LSWC- Lead Semi-Wad Cutter.   Solid lead, lubricated bullet with semi-pointed nose. Formed by swaging process with sharp shoulder for clean hole punching in paper targets. Good choice for target or general purpose shooting.
LSWCHP- Lead Semi-Wad Cutter Hollow Point.   Lubricated solid lead bullet with hollow point. Swaged to form sharp shoulder to produce clean holes in paper targets. Good choice for target practice or general shooting.
LTC- Lead truncated cone. Conical-shaped bullet with flat point. MC: Metal cased. Jacketed bullet.
LWC- Lead Wad Cutter.   The full wadcutter profile of this solid lead, lubricated bullet cuts clean signature in paper targets for precise scoring. Consistent accuracy results from formation by swaging process, which eliminates balance-destroying voids often found in cast bullets. Excellent choice for competitive shooters. 
LWC- Lead wadcutter. Bullet with completely flat nose to cut clean hole through paper targets.
M or MCH- Match.   Bullets with most accurate design, weight, materials and consistencies. Used by snipers and target shooters.
Mag- Magnum, to specify cartridges of a higher power that standard (i.e. 0.41 Rem Mag., 0.44 Mag).
MB- Multi Ball.   More than one ball or bullet in cartridge to increase hit ratio.
MC- Metal Case.   Same as metal-jacketed bullet.
MCOPE- Metal Case Open Point Expanding.
MCWC- Metal Cased Wad Cutter.
MK- aka Sierra MatchKing.   Delivers record-breaking accuracy at long ranges. Pictured is a boat tail variant.
MK- MatchKing. Bullets made to exact tolerances by Sierra for target shooting.
MOLY- Moly Coated.   Bullet is coated with molybdenum disulfide to reduce friction and increase velocity.
MOLY- Moly-coated. Bullet is coated with molybdenum disulphide to reduce friction and to increase velocity.

Dernière édition par Jeanghis le Dim 28 Jan - 14:26, édité 3 fois

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Messages : 8581
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2017
Age : 71
Localisation : Bresse-Jura-Savoie


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeanghis Dim 28 Jan - 2:18

Jeanghis a écrit:

MON- Monolithic Solid.
MP- Metal Point. 
MRX- Maximum Range X bullet.  Made by Barnes. 
NBT- Nosler Ballistic Tip.   Nosler developed this bullet with a polycarbonate tip that protects the bullet from damage in the magazine resulting from recoil. The tip also stabilizes the bullet for long-range shooting and insures reliable expansion when the bullet hits its target.
NBT- Nosler ballistic tip. Nosler developed this bullet with a polycarbonate tip that protects the bullet from damage in the magazine resulting from recoil. The tip also stabilizes the bullet for long-range shooting and insures reliable expansion when the bullet hits its target.
NP- Nosler Partition.   Has two lead cores separated by bullet jacket. Top part of jacket is thin and promotes expansion of bullet. Bottom part of bullet has thicker jacket that retains bullet’s weight, stops fragmentation and increases penetration.
NP- Nosler partition. Has two lead cores separated by bullet jacket. Top part of jacket is thin and promotes expansion of bullet. Bottom part of bullet has thicker jacket that retains bullet' s weight, stops fragmentation and increases penetration.
NTF- Non-Toxic Frangible.   Formed from a composite of fine copper and polymer particles by injection molding, the PMC Green frangible bullet is lead free and completely non-toxic. Designed to shatter into dust-sized particles upon impact with materials harder than itself, it is much less likely to ricochet or over-penetrate. Its homogeneous construction means there is no jacket or plating to impede disintegration. Feeding is smooth and accuracy is excellent.
Nyclad- Federal's bullet totally coated with black nylon to reduce friction and to reduce lead pollution in ranges.
OPE- Open Point Expanding.
PB- Pow'rball.   Made by Cor-Bon.   Polymer ball capped round with high velocity and reduced recoil.
PB- 9 x 19 mm and 7.65 x 19 mm cartridges with Latin designation Parabellum (i.e. for war).
PEP- Positive Expanding Point.   Specially designed by Winchester for extreme accuracy and maximum impact on varmints and medium-size game.
PEP- Positive expanding point. Winchester bullet for maximum impact on medium-size game.
PG- Partition Gold.   Winchester's proprietary design delivers expansion and penetration on medium- and large-size game at wide range of impact velocities. Rear core is hard lead alloy, locked in place with a heel crimp to prevent core slippage and maximize penetration. Patented steel cup reinforces prevents core distortion at high-impact velocities.
PG- Partition Gold. Winchester's proprietary design delivers expansion and penetration on medium- and large-size game at wide range of impact velocities. Rear core is hard lead alloy, locked in place with a heel crimp to prevent core slippage and to maximize penetration. Patented steel cup reinforces, prevents core distortion at high-impact velocities.
PL- Power-Lokt.   Remington's revolutionary varmint and small-game bullet produces bench rest-level accuracy. Copper jacket is electrolyticly bonded to lead core, producing near-perfect concentricity and gyroscopic balance, once available only in custom-made match bullets. Exceptional sub-minute-of- angle accuracy for small game at extreme ranges.
PL- Power-Lokt: Remington's small-game bullet produces benchrest-level accuracy. Copper jacket is electrolytically bonded to lead core. +P: "Plus P" (10-15% over-pressure). High-pressure cartridge for use in standard weapon where greater power is required.
PP- Power Point.   Jacketed soft nose from Winchester delivers maximum energy on impact. Notches around jacket's mouth improve upset and ensure uniform, rapid expansion.
PP- Protected Point.
PP- Power-point-jacketed soft nose from Winchester delivers maximum energy on impact. Notches around jacket's mouth improve upset and ensure uniform, rapid expansion.
PRP- Protected Round Point. 
PSP- Pointed soft point. Pointed bullet retains velocity over long ranges. Soft nose initiates rapid bullet expansion. Jacket and core toughness vary according to calibre and weight of bullet.
PSP & PTDSP- Pointed Soft Point.   Popular, time-tested bullet featuring a soft lead point extending beyond the copper jacket that initiates bullet expansion upon impact. Pointed design reduces aerodynamic drag, improves ballistic coefficient rating and helps this bullet retain its velocity down range.
PT- Polymer Tip.
PTHP- Platinum Tipped Hollow Point.   A Winchester design for handgun hunters. Immediately transfers bullet's energy into target. Delivers penetration, expansion and accuracy.
PTHP- Platinum-tipped hollow point. A Winchester design for handgun hunters.
PWC- Pointed Wad Cutter.   Lubricated solid lead with pointed nose. Formed by swaging process with sharp shoulder for clean hole-punching in paper targets. Good choice for target practice or general shooting.
PWC- Pointed wad cutter. Lubricated solid lead with pointed nose. Formed by swaging process with sharp shoulder for clean hole punching in paper targets. RN: Round nose. Ogival nose shape to bullet.
RB- Round Ball.
RN- Round Nose.   Round nose promotes positive, reliable feeding.
RNFP- Round Nose Flat Point. 
RNFP- Round-nose flat point. As above but with flat point to ogive. RNL: Round-nosed lead. Plain lead bullet with ogive-shaped bullet. S&W: Designation for cartridges designed specifically for Smith and Wesson designed weapons (i.e. 0.38 S&W revolver).
RNL- Round Nose Lead. 
RNPN- Round Nose Penetrator.
S- Solid Lead. 
SBK- Sierra BlitzKing.   Used for varmint hunting; has plastic tip inserted into bullet cavity, which expands on impact and delivers high ballistic coefficient.
SBK- Sierra BlitzKing. Used for varmint hunting; has plastic tip inserted into bullet cavity, which expands on impact.
SFS- Supreme Fail Safe.   Hollow point bullet with lead core and steel insert. Delivers controlled expansion, deeper penetration and bullet weight retention.
SFS- Supreme fail safe. Hollow-point bullet with lead core and steel insert. Delivers controlled expansion, deeper penetration and bullet weight retention. SLD: Solid. Rifle bullet usually made from copper, bronze or brass alloy, but not lead. For thick-skinned game (i.e. buffalo, elephant).
SGK- Sierra GameKing.   Long range round for varmints to big game animals. Boat-tail design provides extremely flat trajectories. Design also give it a higher downrange velocity for more energy at point of impact.
SJ- Short Jacket.
SJHP- Semi Jacketed Hollow Point.   Exposed lead tip expands more rapidly than jacketed hollow point design. Controlled penetration provides maximum energy transfer, making it suitable for hunting.
SJSP- Semi Jacketed Soft Point.   Exposed lead soft point with reliable expansion and deeper penetration than hollow point bullets. Copper jacket and swaged lead core improve concentricity, balance and accuracy.
SJWC- Semi-Jacketed Wad Cutter.
SLD- Solid.   Usually made from copper, bronze or brass alloy - but no lead. Designed for deep penetration in thick-skinned animals.
SMP- Semi-Pointed.   Same penetration as a round nose with better trajectory, higher velocity and energy transfer, better expansion control and deeper penetration than a hollow point. At close range, usually offers better penetration and more controlled expansion. Excellent accuracy potential and often used for short-to medium-range hunting.
SMP- Semi-pointed.
SOL- Solid.
SP- Soft Point.   Exposed lead tip on this bullet and broader point diameter provides rapid, controlled expansion at somewhat lower velocities than the PSP. Broad wound channel results from expansion up to 200% of original bullet diameter.
SP- Soft point. Jacketed bullet with exposed lead tip. SP: Spire point. Long sharp-pointed bullet. SPTZ: Spitzer. Pointed bullet.
SPBT- Soft Point Boat Tail.   This bullet combines the aerodynamic pointed nose with a boat tail heel for improved flight characteristics and retained velocity downrange. Typical of Sierra construction, it embodies near-perfect balance and concentricity. Exposed lead tip for controlled expansion.
SPCE- Soft Point Cutting Edge.   Semi-jacketed with cut-through jacket edge to partially lock in lead core. Deforms less in light game than heavy game. Used for clawed game hunting.
SPCL- Soft Point Core-Lokt.   Locks progressively heavier jacketed mid-section to lead core, preventing separation but allowing maximum energy transfer. Stays together on impact, expands in a controlled manner and mushrooms uniformly to nearly twice the original diameter.
SPCL- Soft-point Core-Lokt. Locks progressively heavier jacketed mid-section to lead core, preventing separation. Stays together on impact, expands in a controlled manner and mushrooms uniformly.
SPFN- Soft Point Flat Nose.   Expands reliably and penetrates deep on light to medium game.
SPP- Spire Point.
SPRN- Soft Point Round Nose.   Features an exposed tip, good weight retention and tapered jacket that provide controlled expansion for deep penetration. Bullet of choice for deer and bear in heavy cover. 
SPT- Spitzer.   Pointed bullet normally used in modern military rifles.
SPT- Spitzer. Pointed bullet normally used in modern military rifles.
SS- Semi Spitzer.
SST- Super Shock Tipped.   Hornady's design incorporates a pointed polymer tip that improves ballistic coefficient and increases velocity, accuracy and downrange power. Specially designed jacket grips and controls expanding core, allowing maximum expansion while retaining mass and momentum.
SST- Super Shock Tipped. Hornady's design incorporates a pointed polymer tip that improves ballistic coefficient and increases velocity, accuracy and down-range power. Specially designed jacket grips and controls expanding core, allowing maximum expansion while retaining mass and momentum.
ST- Silvertip.   Winchester's design has special aluminum-alloy nose cap to protect lead core; delivers deep penetration and has controlled expansion in small- and medium-size game.
ST- Silver Tip: Winchester trade name for bullet with an alloy aerodynamic tip.
STHP- Silvertip Hollow Point.   Winchester's handgun bullet designed for rapid, controlled expansion to penetrate thin skin, light muscle and bone of small- to medium-size game.
SUB- Sub Sonic.
SW or SWC- Semi-Wad Cutter.   Lubricated solid lead bullet with semi-pointed nose. Formed by swaging process, resulting in a sharp shoulder for clean hole-punching in paper targets. Good choice for target practice or general shooting.
SWC- Semi-wadcutter. Intermediate between a wadcutter and a round- nosed bullet.
SWCHP- Semi-Wad Cutter Hollow Point.   The tapered base allows for quick loading with high accuracy, consistency and quick expansion.
SWCL- Semi-Wad Cutter Lead.
SXT- Supreme Expansion Technology.   Winchester's personal protection bullet. Designed with reverse tapered jacket, has uniform expansion, greater accuracy and reliable firearm functioning.
SXT- Supreme Expansion Technology. Winchester's personal protection bullet. Designed with reverse tapered jacket, has uniform expansion, greater accuracy and reliable firearm functioning.
TAP- Tactical Application Police.   Designed by Hornady specifically for law enforcement. Heavier bullet weight and polymer tip provide rapid expansion and excellent barrier penetration (without over-penetration).
TAP- Tactical Application Police. Designed by Hornady specifically for law enforcement. Heavier bullet weight and polymer tip provide rapid expansion and excellent barrier penetration (without over-penetration).
TBBC- Trophy Bonded Bear Claw.   Ideal for medium or large dangerous game. 100% fusion bonding for reliable expansion at any range. Claims 95% weight retention.
TBS- Trophy Bonded Solid.
TBSS- Trophy Bonded Sledgehammer Solid.   Used for the largest and most dangerous game in the world. Maximizes stopping power and your confidence. It's a bonded bronze solid with a flat nose that minimizes deflection off bone and muscle for a deep, straight wound channel.
TC- Truncated Cone.   Similar to an inverted cone, but with the top chopped off. Used in defense applications where penetration through materials might be necessary. Ensures extremely reliable feeding.
TC- Truncated cone. Similar to an inverted cone, but with the top chopped off.
TCHP- Truncated Cone Hollow Point.   Same as truncated cone but with a hole in top to promote expansion in target.
TCHP- Truncated cone hollow point. Same as truncated cone but with a hole in top to promote expansion in target.
TCSB- Truncated Cone Solid Bullet.   Designed for penetration. Inverted cone aids in feeding, while pointed solid bullet drives deep into target.
TCSP- Truncated Cone Soft Point.   An excellent choice for hunting and general shooting, the soft point of this bullet initiates uniform, controlled expansion. Characterized by very reliable functioning in semi-autos and excellent accuracy.
THP- Tubular Hollow Point.
THV- Tres Haute Vitesse. French for 'very high velocity'. Very light weight and thin spire pointed bullet made, usually, from a bronze alloy. High speed and design result in not only huge wound cavities, but also good metal and bullet resistant vest (BRV) penetrative capabilities (Figure 4.A.1).
TL- Tumble Lube.
TMJ- Total Metal Jacket.   Same as full metal jacket, except base is also jacketed.
TMJ- Total metal jacket. Same as full-metal jacket, except base is also jacketed.
TMWC- Target Master Wad Cutter.   Wadcutter bullets made to highest tolerances to achieve best accuracy possible.
TMWC- Target-Master wad cutter. Wad cutter bullets made to highest tolerances to achieve best accuracy possible.
TRI- Triad Group.
V-Max- Varmint Express Ballistic Tip.   Hornady’s ballistic-tip varmint bullet has a polymer insert that aids in rapid expansion once bullet hits target.
V-MAX- Varmint Express Ballistic Tip. Hornady's ballistic-tip varmint bullet has a polymer insert that aids in rapid expansion once bullet hits target.
WC- Wadcutter: Essentially a round-nosed bullet without the round nose. Gives a sharp edge for cutting clean holes in the target when target shooting. XTP: Extreme Terminal Performance. Hornady bullet designed for controlled expansion at wide range of handgun velocities. Bullet's jacket and core expansion rates are the same, reducing separation and increasing trauma in target.
WLY- Woodleigh.
X-B- X bullet.   Made by Barnes.   Solid copper bullet with pre-stressed hollow point mushroom consistently over a wide range of velocities, and drives deeper than lead-core bullets. Cannot shed its jacket on impact, because there is no jacket. Holds together like a solid, retaining virtually 100% of its weight.
XPB- X pistol bullet.   Made by Barnes.
XTP- Extreme Terminal Performance.   Hornady bullet designed for controlled expansion at wide range of handgun velocities. Bullet's jacket and core expansion rates are the same, reducing separation and increasing trauma in target.
Z BULLET- Zinc alloy bullet made in various configurations by National Bullet Co.

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Messages : 8581
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2017
Age : 71
Localisation : Bresse-Jura-Savoie


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Porte-Flingue Dim 28 Jan - 8:53

Bonjour a tous Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 100j_169

Très intéressant le tableau de Jeanghis  Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 100g2c42
Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 3597368654

Messages : 149
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2018

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par BBL56 Dim 28 Jan - 10:32

Merci beaucoup pour ce tableau !


Messages : 427
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017
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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeppesen Dim 28 Jan - 11:57

Pas possible, "ils" veulent ma "mort"....   affraid    lol!

Bon, c'est "l'heure de l'apéro", je vais aller me consoler..... clown

Messages : 3513
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017
Age : 75
Localisation : Haut de Seine (92)


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Porte-Flingue Dim 28 Jan - 14:19

Jeppesen a écrit:Pas possible, "ils" veulent ma "mort"....   affraid    lol!

Bon, c'est "l'heure de l'apéro", je vais aller me consoler..... clown
Bonjour Jeppesen Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 100j_170

Pourquoi "ils veulent ma mort " tu viens de t'apercevoir que ta belle 92 n'était qu'une pale réplique UBERTI ou Rossi Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 100int35
Je compatis dans ta déception Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 108b10  Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 100_pl14
Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 3597368654

Messages : 149
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2018

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par nanard35 Dim 28 Jan - 14:26

Pour ma part, je dirai que l'idéal est d'utiliser des projectiles RNFP...
Tout à fait, il s'agit d'ailleurs du profil historique pour nos LSG et toujours d'actualité.
L'expérience montre ensuite que les projectiles de forme tronconique (dit TC) passent en général aussi bien.
Ce qui n'est pas forcément le cas des projectiles plus modernes de type semi-wadcutter (SWC) qui ne passent pas dans certains mécanismes ou carabines.
Ma Rossi (copie 1892) en 44 Mag n'accepte pas du tout les SWC alors que tous les projectiles TC et à fortiori RNFP passent sans soucis.
Mais je sais que certains proprios de Rossi passent le profil SWC donc là, ca dépends de la carabine et des essais s'imposent.

Dans le doute (pour le tireur ou le couleur) si on reste sur le profil RNFP (ou TC) on est sur de ne pas avoir de soucis.

Messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2017
Localisation : Bretagne

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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeppesen Dim 28 Jan - 15:24

Tout à fait.

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 1756052419

Messages : 3513
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017
Age : 75
Localisation : Haut de Seine (92)


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par Jeppesen Dim 28 Jan - 19:18

En calibre 44-40, voici ce que j'utilise pour mes rechargements Cowboy Action Shooting:

soit du "manufactué" RNFP ( projectiles de chez MPF), ici identifiable à la gorge graissée "rouge"

soit du "coulé maison", que cela soit du RNFP (pas photographié ici) soit du TC comme ici (non encore aloxé (couleur argent brillant) et aloxé (couleur gris terne), parfois graisse maison quand j'en fais...)

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Img_6372

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Img_6373

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Img_6374

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Img_6375

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Img_6377

Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Img_6376

Messages : 3513
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2017
Age : 75
Localisation : Haut de Seine (92)


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Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum Empty Re: Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum

Message par nanard35 Mar 30 Jan - 23:15

Jolies tes balles tronconiques Rossi 1892 carbine bronzée 357 magnum 3067369142 !
Perso j'aime bien ce profil qui donne un air plus moderne à nos cartouches (par comparaison avec les RN ou RNFP) et changent un peu du sempiternel profil SWC que l'on retrouve quasi systématiquement en revolver.

Messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2017
Localisation : Bretagne

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